Rubén Ballester

About me

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I am a third-year PhD student in Topological Machine Learning at the Topological Machine Learning research group of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Universitat de Barcelona and at the AIDOS Lab. My research involves studying and developing neural networks using algebraic topology tools. Also, I deeply care about the formalization of the mathematics behind deep learning, deep learning theory, and the field of theorem proving using machine learning. My supervisors are Prof. Sergio Escalera, Prof. Carles Casacuberta and Dr. Bastian Rieck.

Prior to this, I completed my MSc degree in Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and was awarded the Càtedra Mir-Puig award to the highest GPA of the master’s degree. Additionally, I obtained two bachelor’s degrees, one in Mathematics and one in Computer Science, from the Universitat de Barcelona. For my BSc thesis, I received an award from the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence for the second-best BSc or MSc thesis in Artificial Intelligence (the only BSc thesis) in Catalonia. During my master’s I also worked as an adjunct professor in some mathematics and computer science courses at the Universitat de Barcelona and as research assistant in topological machine learning at the HuPBA group.

You can reach me directly at my email:, or in my social networks: Twitter, LinkedIn, or GitHub, where I usually post about my research.